Original Articles
Prevalence and time trends of symptoms of allergic rhinitis and rhinoconjunctivitis in Spanish children: Global Asthma Network (GAN) study
Abstract 524 | PDF Downloads 597 HTML Downloads 28 XML Downloads 13Page 1-11
Time effect of dupilumab to treat severe uncontrolled asthma in adolescents: A pilot study
Abstract 514 | PDF Downloads 575 HTML Downloads 38 XML Downloads 28Page 12-18
PSTPIP2 is associated with disease severity in patients with pressure ulcer sepsis and has anti-inflammatory effects
Abstract 401 | PDF Downloads 587 HTML Downloads 28 XML Downloads 16Page 23-28
Exposure to farm environment and its correlations with total IgE, IL-13, and IL-33 serum levels in patients with atopy and asthma
Abstract 347 | PDF Downloads 425 HTML Downloads 28 XML Downloads 16Page 33-40
Knockdown of PHLDA1 alleviates sepsis-induced acute lung injury by downregulating NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Abstract 556 | PDF Downloads 766 HTML Downloads 25 XML Downloads 10Page 41-47
Quality of life in children with food allergies, psychiatric symptoms, and caregiving burden of their mothers
Abstract 986 | PDF Downloads 628 HTML Downloads 29 XML Downloads 21Page 48-56
Does the severity of atopic dermatitis change with allergic sensitization? Is it real or a myth?
Abstract 404 | PDF Downloads 503 HTML Downloads 26 XML Downloads 14Page 66-71
Risk factors predisposing children to food allergies
Abstract 629 | PDF Downloads 805 HTML Downloads 27 XML Downloads 96Page 72-83
Hypersensitivity reactions to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in adults: Beyond current classification
Abstract 768 | PDF Downloads 877 HTML Downloads 45 XML Downloads 87Page 84-92
Oral food challenge in children with contact urticaria in reaction to cow’s milk
Abstract 506 | PDF Downloads 548 HTML Downloads 43 XML Downloads 84Page 93-98
Letter to Editor
Allergic rhinitis and dental caries
Abstract 288 | PDF Downloads 446 HTML Downloads 25 XML Downloads 6Page 19-20
Allergic rhinitis and dental caries: A systematic review
Abstract 280 | PDF Downloads 398 HTML Downloads 31 XML Downloads 11Page 21-22
Review Article
Microplastics exposure and immunologic response
Abstract 1001 | PDF Downloads 1074 HTML Downloads 37 XML Downloads 36Page 57-65
Case Report
An unusual case of acquired angioedema associated with monoclonal gammopathies of uncertain significance
Abstract 359 | PDF Downloads 473 HTML Downloads 29 XML Downloads 73Page 29-32