Original Articles
Have asthma symptoms in Mexico changed in the past 15 years? Time trends from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood to the Global Asthma Network
Abstract 1165 | PDF Downloads 876 HTML Downloads 167 XML Downloads 73Page 1-10
Prevalence of allergic disorders and risk factors associated with food allergy in Turkish preschoolers
Abstract 1255 | PDF Downloads 997 HTML Downloads 245 XML Downloads 36Page 11-16
Prevalence of recurrent wheezing in infants and toddlers in Barbados: findings from a prospective study of a cohort of babies born during 2015–2017
Abstract 770 | PDF Downloads 551 HTML Downloads 333 XML Downloads 53Page 17-24
The association between seropositivity to human toxocariasis and childhood asthma in northern Iran: a case-control study
Abstract 818 | PDF Downloads 616 HTML Downloads 430 XML Downloads 17Page 25-31
The real-world “ControL’Asma” study: a nationwide taskforce on asthma control in children and adolescents
Abstract 1784 | PDF Downloads 1066 HTML Downloads 277 XML Downloads 30Page 32-39
Prevalence of asthma, its correlates, and validation of the Pre-School Asthma Risk Factors Scale (PS-ARFS) among preschool children in Lebanon
Abstract 1087 | PDF Downloads 735 HTML Downloads 378 XML Downloads 22Page 40-49
Quality of life of Turkish children and families of Caucasian origin with atopic dermatitis
Abstract 758 | PDF Downloads 627 HTML Downloads 194 XML Downloads 34Page 50-57
Allergen-specific subcutaneous immunotherapy–pain evaluation in pediatric age
Abstract 741 | PDF Downloads 562 HTML Downloads 246 XML Downloads 14Page 58-61
Prevalence of atopic diseases in children with papular urticaria
Abstract 1236 | PDF Downloads 856 HTML Downloads 179 XML Downloads 47Page 62-67
Food allergy as an asthma comorbidity in children and adolescents: a practical approach through a real-world study
Abstract 1066 | PDF Downloads 837 HTML Downloads 377 XML Downloads 12Page 68-78
Specific IgE levels as an outcome predictor in egg-allergic children
Abstract 893 | PDF Downloads 892 HTML Downloads 178 XML Downloads 11103Page 79-86
CME suggestions for pediatricians, allergists, and dermatologists, directed by an online survey on urticaria knowledge
Abstract 978 | PDF Downloads 798 HTML Downloads 119 XML Downloads 11Page 87-94
22q11.2 deletion syndrome: 20 years of experience from two pediatric immunology units and review of clues for diagnosis and disease management
Abstract 1026 | PDF Downloads 775 HTML Downloads 75 XML Downloads 99Page 95-100
Abnormalities in subsets of B and T cells in Mexican patients with inborn errors of propionate metabolism: observations from a single-center case series
Abstract 698 | PDF Downloads 627 HTML Downloads 217 XML Downloads 8Page 101-106
D-dimer concentrations in acute urticaria in children
Abstract 1113 | PDF Downloads 973 HTML Downloads 190 XML Downloads 911Page 107-112
Inhaled corticosteroids may have a protective effect against coronavirus infection
Abstract 1306 | PDF Downloads 1210 HTML Downloads 126 XML Downloads 26Page 113-117
Revaccination following suspected vaccine-triggered hypersensitivity reactions: experience of a tertiary care centre
Abstract 715 | PDF Downloads 270 HTML Downloads 191 XML Downloads 29Page 128-134
Hygiene hypothesis: association between hygiene and asthma among preschool children in Lebanon
Abstract 1187 | PDF Downloads 849 HTML Downloads 384 XML Downloads 27Page 135-145
Household pollution and COVID-19: irrelevant association?
Abstract 1177 | PDF Downloads 974 HTML Downloads 284 XML Downloads 9Page 146-149
Managing food allergy immunotherapy in children during the COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract 869 | PDF Downloads 323 HTML Downloads 180 XML Downloads 30Page 150-152
Review Article
Primary immunodeficiency and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis: pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches
Abstract 2369 | PDF Downloads 2435 HTML Downloads 460 XML Downloads 781Page 118-127
For which infants with viral bronchiolitis could it be deemed appropriate to use albuterol, at least on a therapeutic trial basis?
Abstract 1856 | PDF Downloads 1718 HTML Downloads 748 XML Downloads 96Page 153-158
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 using real-time polymerase chain reaction in different clinical specimens: A critical review
Abstract 1705 | PDF Downloads 1205 HTML Downloads 616 XML Downloads 42Page 159-164
Letter to Editor
Air quality and the COVID-19 outbreak in China
Abstract 805 | PDF Downloads 711 HTML Downloads 133 XML Downloads 10Page 165-167
BCG immunization and COVID-19 disease association
Abstract 582 | PDF Downloads 516 HTML Downloads 104 XML Downloads 17Page 168-169